Geodesic Dome Hexagon Geometry
Hexagon – Truncated Icosahedron – is a modified Icosahedron. Part of a sphere.
Hexagonal division of the frame. One of the latest and most modern geometries in frame constructions.
The smaller the honeycomb, the more STAR connectors are needed to build the hexagon dome. For hexagon dome constructions, STAR connector assemblies must be in two layers.
Geodesic Dome Hexagon Using DIY STAR Connector Kit:
A unique designed summer house leisure dome 12m in diameter. Built on a concrete and rock perimeter and a wooden terrace, the structure perfectly blends with nature. The nearby trees act and star/hexagonal shaped panels act as a sun cover.
Build your own Geodesic Dome Hexagon with STAR Connectors
You can build your own hexagon dome using our STAR connector kit with complete drawings and instructions.